4SquareAnd7YearsAgo, a service built at a Foursquare Hackathon that emailed you your Foursquare checkins from exactly a year ago, has branched out beyond Foursquare. Now the service, newly re-monikered
Timehop, includes your Facebook status updates, photos you updated, photos you were tagged in, as well as Twitter and Instagram posts from 365 days past. The tech industry is starting to see a resurgence of products that play into social media nostalgia; Facebook Timeline, Memento and Memolane for example. "Everybody is starting to realize that there's value in the past," Timehop co-founder
Jonathan Wegener tells me. He hopes that the startup will one day be the "ultimate" way people experience their content history online, despite the tight constraint of only showing anniversary content -- which Wegener likens to Timehop's 140 characters.
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